Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Lazy Hobbyhopper: Crochet christmas tree

The Lazy Hobbyhopper: Crochet christmas tree

I ended up buying the magazine online for 7.50 (in 1979 it was 45 cents) LOL  but I wanted the directions  I ended up scanning the page into my  computer and this is the result But I am going to take it to work tomorrow because the copier there will let me magnify it (font) because myself  would like it bigger  I did copy it and it turned out better than scanning in  So if this isn't good enough for you just wait until tomorrow and i will repost it bigger  Also included are two pic on my trees in the past I had made one for a raffle to raise money for the eagle cam I blog with in WVA   I also put mini lights in the tree you can see the cord on one of the pictures