Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jordyn Boat trip 5-26 to Archie Island

Wildlife in my area

It always surprises me to see these huge birds up in pine trees  check out you can see him standing in the tree 

So many osprey nest around  and these aren't in cell phone towers LOL
Didn't want picture taken  out of order oops

Two different ones on the same pond  don't like pic taken I guess 

along side the road I stopped when I saw her sitting in the tree
 check out the size of that fish

this is the nest at the golf course
 Osprey being dive bombed by a grackle  I think Top of a church  

gotta love them red sliders sooo many in the pond
Love the rose color and the blue together  Love these birds  so many at the pond at work 

cell phone tower nest near the park where the eagle live 

boat tailed grackle  on top of pine tree off in the distance  I love my camera zoom

Lizard attacking my eagle statue

 Isn't this just the cutest baby ever
 There are two hawks see one on each branch 
 Notice how she is sitting on her legs knees bent 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sue Eaglepic Swans, Hawk baby, Jordyn pic and tree Angie made with thumb prints

I just had to share Sue and her husband picture

 I always say if you can't laugh at your self you might as well be dead   Here are my plastic swans that I just had to get a pic of not knowing they were plastic 
 A baby Hawk at the park

Miss sassy pants Jordyn at the park Largo Central 

 Angie came up with this idea for the teachers at Jordyn school she has 4 teachers she gave them to and she is going to make up cards to give all the other parents with the school picture of all the kids in the class   

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

turtle, egret, and eagle video from today 1min long

 I love the orange mow hawk  so pretty I was Lucky I carry my cam in pocket at work I was walking to the liquor store and he was there I whipped out the camera and took the shots across the parking lot I tired to get close but she kept moving  

 She kept walking away from me so and I had to do it quick on the clock  
short but sweet  LOL