Sunday, June 24, 2012

fish and flood pic

This catfish was at the bottom of my driveway It has a big cut in it we think from a car fender

Notice his finger in the cut  and we put it back in the road water

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Janets visit at dinner

 This is when we first got there
 Only the girls
 Prost to US ♥
 Leaving for the nite Jordyn eyes are closed in this one but the other I didn't post has a big white spot on Janets eye  ODD it was
In the parking garage

The funny thing is we went to Tampa over the bridge in the rain and in the traffic in order to prevent them from having to come over the bridge in the traffice so we ate in TAMPA  thinking they were staying in Tampa  WRONG  they were staying just around the corner from where I live   We could have ate over here of this side of the bridge and visited during the day also if I had known she was just a hop skip and a jump from my house and only 2min from Angies work   We told Janet next time we talk to Tom not her to what city they were in  We had the biggest laugh over her CLEAR moment  Was a good time any way

Friday, June 22, 2012

Merry go round at the park

 She was soooo excited that she could reach the pedals of my bike in my bed room
 she loves to climb
 the steam in the park is one of her favorites places to sit and throw stones in and watch the leaves float down steam
 I think she thinks the world looks better upside down LOL
 The trees and leaves are another of her favoties at the park

 can se say little ham
 she insited she want me to pose for her so I did and Red of red friday

 yep upside down again
 this is just around the block from my house this is two separeate horse farms or stables

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Feather Eagle??????

 Carl found in his back yard  Now remember there are several eagles nest in the area 3 that I know of and Boyd Hill Park  Is this a eagles feather How can you tell?????????????????????????????????????????

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My cats eating McD yogurt

 They must me able to smell it because whenever I have it they come running   Wouldn't this be a good commercial for McD  LOVIN IT♥♥ yogurt with fruit
Benny wait for her to get done Such a good brother he is