Pretty cool these sail boats they wanted to attach him and put in water but I said no I didn't want to loose him in the water LOL Very sweet gentleman about 15 had boats out there like this and bigger
This is the art district of the city I live in Pinellas Park This pic is like finding Waldo LOL
a pretty butterfly garden
This is at city hall PP
a beautiful 911 memorial with a steal beam from one of the twin towers I was so touched I didn't know that there was a memorial there
I had this chair made out of cloth pins was a perfect accessory to take pictures LOL this was before I got him laminated He was a little worn after being out for a couple of hours I knew he would not make it if I didn't laminate him also won't blow away like he did when he was on the hammock
this is the sign in front of the school on the next block from my house Scary how high the water level would be in a CAT 5 storm surge